Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Snack Your Way To Weight Loss with Voskos Greek Yogurt

Anyone looking to dip into the pool this summer should dip into Voskos® Greek Yogurt multiple times daily. Healthy snacking frequently helps us stay healthy, lose weight, and stay in control of the goals we set out to achieve.

A recent study from Psychological Science suggests that self-control in humans depends largely on blood glucose levels. The study tested subjects on cognitive performance and self control of refraining from tempting foods and states that it is “likely that self-control processes involve cognitive processes that depend on glucose as a limited energy source—one that becomes depleted after exertion…Negative effects of prior exertion of self-control should be eliminated with a boost of glucose.”

June M. Lay, M.S., and author of “It’s Not a Diet, It’s Creative Eating” explains the findings: “When we eat healthy and eat often, we resist our cravings as well as perform better in general. Because we’re eating more often, we are using food as our energy source, not our stress hormones. When blood sugar level is consistently adequate, we’ll have a higher energy level and mood and we’re not as physically stressed.”

Ms. Lay recommends we snack throughout the day on healthy foods such as Voskos Greek Yogurt. “An 8oz single serving of Voskos Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt has 24 grams of protein. That’s 49% of the Daily Value. Plus, it’s naturally low in sugar and has simply skim milk and probiotic cultures in the ingredients list. I recommend my clients eat at least one serving of Voskos Greek Yogurt a day and to add fresh fruit or nuts if plain is too tart for their palette.”

Ms. Lay also notes that, “Brain cells can only function with glucose for fuel, and since the body doesn’t store it in a readily accessible state, we need to ‘fuel our brains’ about every four hours.” Going more than four hours causes low blood sugar and can cause the erratic behavior of reaching out for a “little” treat to stave off hunger, sending us on a sweets binge and putting us in a hyperglycemic (spiked blood sugar) state. When there is more glucose than our cells require, extra calories are stored as fat.

The secret to losing weight is stabilizing the metabolism by snacking often. Therefore, those who set short-term goals such as getting bikini-ready or wanting to adopt a healthy diet as a lifestyle change should snack on healthy foods such as Voskos Greek Yogurt throughout the day.

About Voskos Greek Yogurt
Voskos Greek Yogurt is all-natural, hormone-free, and gluten-free. Voskos’ proprietary and meticulous ProStrain™ method offers more than 2x the protein over ordinary yogurt, more probiotic cultures, less lactose, and a thicker and creamier consistency. Voskos has more protein per ounce over its Greek yogurt counterparts. Voskos is the first and only Greek yogurt brand to offer a full line of products consisting of both organic and non-organic along with plain and blended flavors (never “fruit on the bottom”). Available nationwide.

For store locations and more information, please visit www.voskos.com.

About June Lay, M.S. Author of “It’s Not a Diet, It’s Creative Eating” and also Lifestyle Columnist at www.healthnewsdigest.com. Her website, www.Junefit.com is included in Google's top ranked
women's health resources http://directory.google.com/Top/Health/Women's_Health/Resources

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