Thursday, September 18, 2008

Raw Almond Lawsuit

Yes We CanYour support is needed to win the lawsuit against the USDA

The Cornucopia Institute has been fighting to protect access to truly raw
American almonds. When the USDA announced their intention to gas almonds
with a toxic fumigant or steam-heat the raw nuts raw block this misguided food safety measure.

This work has now led to a lawsuit challenging the raw almond treatment
mandate. We need your help and support to cover the cost of this lawsuit!

Going to court was not our first choice. Cornucopia initially offered a
compromise plan to the USDA that would have protected family farmers
growing raw almonds for consumers and the consumerunadulterated food in the marketplace. That plan was rejected earlier
this year by the USDA.

Now we are seeking legal relief and justice. On September 9, that
lawsuit was filed in the Washington, D.C. federal court. Cornucopiateam of legal advisors has been carefully investigating the grounds for
overturning the almond treatment mandate.

Under federal law, only farmers and almond nut handlers have standinghandlers have stepped forward to file this suit. These individuals have
been watching their farming and business operations disintegrate under the
dictates and prohibitions of the treatment mandate. And they are not
alone. Cornucopia has talked with other almond farmers and handlers
suffering in similar ways.

One farmer and lawsuit participant said: segment of our industry has been put out of business with one swipe of the
pen by the Almond Board .... it is a financial disaster (for farmers), and
it is a disaster for the consumers that are now denied, for no good
reason, a healthy whole natural raw food that they have eaten with
confidence and enjoyment and benefit for decades.
Legal battles, as I am sure you understand, are a pricey proposition.
Justice is not cheap. The Cornucopia Institute has assured the almond
farmer and handler plaintiffs that we will raise the money to pay for the
costs of winning this battle. This is a battle that can be won. Our
legal team has crafted a strong case, one that exposes the USDAauthority to invoke the treatment rule and their bungling of how it was

Won's members are farmers. Our organization is standing with our almond
farmer friends. Please stand with us and help support this fight.

You can make a secure, tax-deductible donation online at Please note in the message box that it is for the
Almond Lawsuit. Or, if you prefer, mail your donation to The Cornucopia
Institute, PO Box 126, Cornucopia, WI 54827.

NOTE: Taste does not endorse the Cornucopia Institute. This message is a reprint of their press release and is only to be construed as informative in nature.

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